Swedish Gambling Authority (Spelinskeptionen) presents a new strategy to combat illegal gambling

In a press conference yesterday, the Swedish Gambling Authority (Spelinspektionen) presented their new strategy to combat illegal gambling in Sweden. The new strategy focuses on increasing cooperation between different agencies and improving information sharing between countries. In addition, the authority plans to increase its enforcement efforts and pursue criminal prosecutions against those who engage in illegal gambling activities.

The Swedish Gambling Authority has announced a new strategy to combat gambling addiction and illegal gambling in the country.

The Swedish Gambling Authority (Spelinspektionen) has announced a new strategy to combat gambling addiction and illegal gambling in Sweden. The strategy includes four main pillars: prevention, treatment, cooperation, and enforcement.

Prevention measures include raising awareness of the risks associated with gambling, as well as providing information and education on responsible gambling. Treatment measures include supporting research on effective treatments for gambling addiction, as well as providing funding for treatment services.

Cooperation measures include working with other authorities and organizations to exchange information and best practices, as well as cooperating with international partners to combat cross-border crime.

The strategy is based on four key points


-Tougher penalties for illegal gambling operators

-Increased cooperation between authorities

-Awareness campaign to educate the public about illegal gambling

-Enhanced surveillance of the online gambling market.

Spelinspektionen’s Director General, Camilla Rosenberg, said that “illegal gambling is a serious problem” and that the new strategy is “a major step forward in the fight against it.” She added that the authority will continue to work closely with law enforcement and other agencies to ensure that illegal gambling operators are brought to justice.

The first point is to increase awareness of the problem.

The Swedish Gambling Authority will be working with the advertising ombudsman, radio and TV stations, and print media to make sure that illegal gambling operators are not able to advertise their services.

They will also be working with search engines so that these companies do not come up when people search for gambling-related terms.

Finally, they will be increasing their own efforts to monitor and investigate illegal gambling activities.

The second point is to provide more help and support for those affected by gambling addiction.

Spelinskeptionen will be working with the Swedish government to ensure that more resources are allocated to treatment and prevention of gambling addiction.

In addition, Spelinskeptionen will be increasing its efforts to educate the public about the risks of gambling addiction and how to spot the signs of problematic gambling behavior. The third point is to improve regulation of the gambling industry. The fourth point is to increase cooperation between different agencies and organizations.

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